Body Image Training 2.0: The Missing Piece of Whole Body Healing

(30 CPEUs)

Click here to get started!


PLEASE NOTE: All our courses are provided for single users only when purchasing online. If you are a group looking to purchase for multiple users, please reach out to us and inquire about our group purchase options.

Equity Pricing Option available. In the spirit of reducing barriers for my BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, fat, disabled, and neurodivergent colleagues, please know you are welcome to email my assistant for equity-based pricing. Simply let my assistant know you are a member of an under-represented group and would like equity-based pricing. You will receive a coupon code, no questions asked. Read our Statement on Equity Pricing.

Become a Body Image Pro!

If you are looking to enhance your nutrition counseling skills and confidence when working with eating disorders, chronic dieting, and any condition which impacts how someone feels about their body, this is definitely the training you’ve been waiting for.

As clinicians, we know that dieting and constantly driving to change the body harms people and keeps them stuck in the merry-go-round of body-hating hell. Even well-intentioned and highly trained clinicians can do harm if they’re not sure what to do, and we too can be drawn into people’s body distress and find ourselves backed into a corner. We also know that diet culture, Dr. Google and the latest round of “wellness experts” can be noisy and very seductive.

We know you care. We’ll show you another way – a way that helps your clients AND you – by building your reputation as someone who can support people struggling with their body image.

“Body Image Training 2.0: The Missing Piece of Whole Body Healing.”

We are committed to ongoing growth, evolution, and continued learning, and have sought the consultation and feedback of many people with lived experience, which has shaped the multitude of changes we have made to the course.

This newest version of the course includes updated versions of all the core information you had access to in the current version, plus so much more. When we started our update process, we didn’t intend to make so many changes! But we feel so strongly about offering exceptional content that will still feel relevant another 5 years from now.

Below is a sampling of the course improvements we are most excited about for the 2.0 version:

  • Integration of critical feedback & course reviews from folks with differing identities from ours (big shout out to the BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, fat, and disabled reviewers)
  • Increased accessibility with the addition of closed captioning and course transcripts
  • Integration of new and recently published research, with an emphasis on typically underrepresented identities
  • More client vignettes and sample dialogue to bring the work to life
  • Expanded and updated modules on developmental body image, clinical assessment, intersecting paradigms, and practical counseling tools you can take into practice immediately
  • Additional NEW modules on trauma-informed care, anti-oppressive and affirming care, common stuck points, and caring for ourselves as we are doing this important work

Listen in to the video below as Marci and Fiona share more about this new upgdated version of the training...

Body Image Training 2.0 awards 30 CPEUs in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program.

By the end of Module 1, Setting a Strong Foundation, you will be able to:

  1. Describe what defines an individual’s scope of practice for doing body image work.
  2. Name 3 topics that intersect food/eating/nutrition and body image work.
  3. Identify why our body stories are so important to our present-day body image experiences.
  4. Describe how to set up safety in the relationship and environment so that body image work is most effective.
  5. Describe why and how we can monitor the pacing of body image work to best meet the capacity clients.

By the end of Module 2, Research Introduction, you will be able to:

  1. Describe at least two deficits with the foundational body image research frameworks utilized in the 1990’s and early 2000’s.
  2. Identify the progression of body image from ages 3-10.
  3. Name at least three out of ten principles identified in the positive body image research.
  4. Describe in basic terms, the various ways body image is processed in the brain.
  5. List at least three strategies dietitians can employ to strengthen positive embodiment in clients.

By the end of Module 3, Clinical Assessment, you will be able to:

  1. Describe one way to broach the topic of body image with clients
  2. Identify why developing a shared understanding of body image is important.
  3. Name 2 formal assessment tools that we may utilize to measure or track body image.
  4. Define weight bias and weight stigma.
  5. Identify ways in which healthism and shame can interrupt body image.
  6. Describe how negative body image interrupts food and movement behaviors.

By the end of Module 4, Language, you will be able to:

  1. Describe why language can be so impactful in the ways we experience our bodies.
  2. Reflect on our own experiences of words and language.
  3. Name words that can be pathologizing, why this is, and what words we might use instead.
  4. Identify ways of understanding body image healing as a spectrum.
  5. Name the principles of trauma-sensitive language in body image work.

Body Image Training Will Help You Help Your Clients

By the end of Module 5, Bolstering Your Body Image Work, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the difference between trauma-informed and trauma-focussed work.
  2. Identify ways in which trauma experiences can shape body image.
  3. Describe the difference between trauma and stress.
  4. Name ways we can provide more safety for our clients when doing body image work.
  5. Describe in broad terms, body liberation.

By the end of Module 6, Expanding Your Toolkit, you will be able to:

  1. Name the stages of change.
  2. Describe one topic where psychoeducation might be useful in body image work.
  3. Name the 4 key elements of body image.
  4. Identify one key reason why mindfulness supports body image work.
  5. Describe one self-compassion practice.

By the end of Module 7, Counseling Skills and Self-Care, you will be able to:

  1. Name 2 cognitive distortions which show up in body image work.
  2. Identify an example and a reframe for the “all/nothing thinking” cognitive distortion.
  3. Describe an example of an “ABC” sequence of negative body image experiences.
  4. Identify common stuck points in doing body image work amongst health professionals.
  5. Name 3 ways we can care for ourselves when doing body image work.

By the end of Module 8, Body Image Advocacy and Education, you will be able to:

  1. Name 3 groups of people who you may be invited to engage with on the topic of body image.
  2. Identify reasons why it’s important to gather information about your audience.
  3. Identify key questions that may be helpful to ask when engaging with groups or organizations.
  4. Name 3 key teaching/discussion points you could include in a body image presentation.
  5. Describe how to respond to frequently asked questions.

Who Are Your Body Image Experts?

Meet Your Hosts… Not just One, but TWO Body Image Experts!

Marci Evans and Fiona Sutherland have a combined 25 years experience in the eating disorders field. They are fun, they are smart, and they know their stuff! Check out their bios below..

Your Instructors

Marci Evans

Marci is a Food and Body Image Healer®. She has dedicated her career to counseling, supervising, and teaching in the field of eating disorders.

She is a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Supervisor, certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Certified ACSM personal trainer. In addition to her group private practice and three adjunct teaching positions, Marci launched an online eating disorders training for dietitians in 2015 and co-directs a specialized eating disorder internship at Simmons College.

Marci volunteers for a number of national eating disorder organizations including the iaedp certification committee and is serving as an eating disorder resource professional for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has spoken locally and nationally at numerous conferences and media outlets.

She regularly communicates on social media so be sure to connect with her @marciRD as well as on her blog at

Fiona Sutherland

Fiona Sutherland (she/her), The Mindful Dietitian™, supports people to cultivate positive and healing connections with food, eating, and their body. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Accredited Sports Dietitian and Yoga Teacher who lives and works on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri people (Melbourne, Australia).

Fiona is Director of The Mindful Dietitian, which aims to build a strong community of like-minded Dietitians from all over the world, and a Podcast of the same name featuring Dietitians and Health Professionals as guests. Fiona has 20 years’ experience as a Trauma-informed Eating Disorder and Body Image specialist working with a wide variety of people including high performance athletes.

Most of her current work is Supervision of Dietitians alongside teaching and co-facilitating courses and training for Dietitians and Health Professionals. Over the last 5 years, she has developed and co-developed training courses for Dietitians in Eating Disorders, Trauma-informed Care, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Binge Eating Disorder and this Body Image course with Marci!

Fiona teaches into three different Masters Level Dietetic programs and works as a consultant with schools and large organisations to support the designing of curriculum and environments where people in all bodies are feeling welcome.

She can be found playing around on Social Media via Instagram @themindfuldietitian and in The Mindful Dietitian Facebook Group.

Why should I take this training?

Because we’ve heard it all.

The heartbreak. The devastation. The lives put on hold. We’ve literally dedicated decades to finding ways to help people move toward greater peace with their bodies. This body image training will equip you with the knowledge and skill set to do the same!

“We only hope you’ll join us so we can share what we’ve learned.”

And in the process, you will bring new skills – specialized skills – to your practice, helping you elevate your confidence and ability to support people to move towards healing.

Still Not Sure if this Body Image Training is Right for You?

If you’re still on the fence about joining us, there’s just one question we want to ask you: Which professionals are doing Body Image Healing well?

The answer?

Not enough of us! But we know two things – there are lots of people hurting, and lots of people and industries doing the hurting. We want to help you join the increasing number of people dedicated to body healing. Get in front of the crowd and your competitors and stand out from the crowd in this specialty area in our industry!

There’s no better time to jump in and join colleagues who are also passionate about supporting people, by becoming a Body Image Pro.

We believe, with all our hearts, that this training program is the best resource for clinicians who want to take their practice to the next level, and to help more clients while doing so. Imagine where you’ll be this time next year after learning from the best and brightest in our industry… how many more clients you’ll be helping.

This isn’t wishful thinking… this is how to get to the next level as a dietitian, wellness coach or therapist.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course(s)?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the course(s) for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
How long do I have to complete the training to receive my continuing education credits?
This is an important question. All courses have a unique date determined by CDR for CPEU approval. You can locate these dates on the CDR website and searching in their CPEU database ( The fastest way to locate any of my courses is to search using "Marci Evans" in the provider name search box.
When do the course(s) start and finish?
The course(s) starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
Are these courses in USD?
Yes, these courses are charged in USD. We would suggest that you check with your local bank or online currency platform to find out how this converts to your local currency and whether this may attract bank fees when using a local currency credit card.
Due to my busy schedule, it can take me a while to complete them. Once the training is purchased, will I always have access to the course materials?
Yes, you have unlimited access to the training – so all the videos and handouts from both versions will always be here in your Teachable Dashboard.
Do you offer discounts to Students and Dietetic Interns?
We don’t offer student discounts because there is no expiration for taking the course(s) and utilizing the CPEU credits.
Can I purchase a course(s) for someone else to use (e.g., one or more people in my practice or as a gift)?
Yes. If you are looking to purchase for multiple users, please reach out to us ( and inquire about our group purchasing options. (If this was your intention and you already made the purchase, please reach out to us immediately ( to arrange for proper setup of course access that fits your specific situation.) If you are a Practice Owner looking to purchase a course(s) for one or more of your team members, please reach out to us ( and we will walk you through the process to purchase the Course for another person(s) to take. If you would like to gift a course, please reach out to us (
Are we able to purchase 2 courses now and add on later with the same discount?
No. The discount is for group discounts that happen all at once but we appreciate that you are managing costs and want to support your investment for you and your team, so we can extend a 10% discount to future purchases that occur within 6 months of the original group purchase.
Can I share my course login with others?
No. Our courses and workshops are provided for single users only when purchasing individually online. We reserve the right to terminate your account and access to Course Materials if we discover that you have exceeded these terms of use by sharing your login or the materials in the Course with unregistered users.
If I purchase the course(s) for someone else, can I use it too?
No. Purchasers* cannot set up login information for users other than themselves as a User*, since each User* has a unique username and password that must be kept confidential. The unique username and password are also critical for ensuring CPEUs are credited to the right person who has successfully completed the course. *A “Purchaser” is the person or entity that pays for one or more people to take the Course. A “User” is the person who participates in the course, has a unique username and password, gains access to the Course materials, can earn certification for Course completion, and participate in the Facebook group and other student support materials.
What if I am unhappy with the course(s)?
Generally, we do not offer refunds, but we want you to be satisfied with your experience. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we can discuss the situation. Any refunds will be subject to a $50 administrative service fee.
How do I get my CPEU credits?
All of the instructions and documentation can be found on the Teachable site after you have registered for the course. Be sure to complete all of the online training material. Take and pass the quiz with a score of 80% or better. Complete a brief survey of the course. Marci reads all of the feedback on her courses and makes improvements accordingly so thank you in advance! Email to let them know the survey is done and you've passed the quiz. A member of our team will verify all of the above has been completed and will mail you a CPEU form to keep for your records. There is also a Certificate of Completion available for your records.
What about the handouts and course materials?
The course materials are provided solely for personal use by users enrolled in Marci Evans courses. Any copying or distribution is not allowed without the express written consent of Marci Evans. The patient handouts are the intellectual property of Marci Evans. The handouts are solely for you to use and share with the patients in your own clinical practice. You may not remove any copyright language contained in these materials. You may not share or copy these handouts with colleagues who have not completed the course or for any other purposes without the express written consent of Marci Evans.
Can I have a partial credit for what I’ve completed until all the modules are done?
Unfortunately this is not allowed. CPEUs are only provided for completion of the entire course.
I’m not sure my knowledge level is right for these courses. Should I join anyway?
Please don’t worry. We all start somewhere! We’re here to add to your knowledge level and skill set. We feel extremely confident that this training will be suitable for students, newbies, and experienced clinicians alike.
I’m not a dietitian. Can I still do the trainings?
Absolutely. This training is designed for all professionals who work with clients with eating disorders. We have had dietitians, therapists, nurses, health coaches, occupational therapists, students, and interns take our online training. All are welcome, however, this course is only approved for CPEU credits for dietitians in the US.
How will these courses help me in my practice?
We take your potential investment in this course seriously and have poured the very best of all of our education, training, supervision, attendances at conferences, etc. into this course. We are committed to offering high quality training which not only boosts your knowledge, but more importantly your confidence and reputation to help more clients with body image issues.
Do you provide CPEUs to anyone other than Dietitians?
No, Marci is only credentialed to provide CPEU credit for US-based dietitians who are credentialed through CDR. If you are not a US-based dietitian and want to get CPEU credit, you will need to reach out to your governing board to see if they will approve it.
My own body image is pretty crappy. Should I still join the Body Image Training course?
Double yes! Doing your own work is the first key ingredient to helping others heal their negative body image. We definitely want you here with us!
I don’t work with eating disorders. Can I still take the Body Image Training course?
Absolutely, YES! Negative body image is the norm not the exception, and this work will apply to anyone working with humans. However, Marci and Fiona are eating disorder experts who will teach from the lens of whole body healing and recovery.
If I choose the two-payment option and finish the course prior to the second payment is made, can I still receive my CPEU?
No - The course(s) need to be paid in full prior to receiving the CPEU document.
Do you need to ask a few questions prior to purchasing?
Please email

Get started now!

BEFORE YOU PURCHASE...PLEASE NOTE: Our courses and workshops are provided for single users only when purchasing individually online. If you are looking to purchase any of our courses for multiple users or for one or more of your team members, read our purchasing options first.

PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTE: PER OUR TERMS OF SERVICE, BY ORDERING OR PARTICIPATING IN OUR COURSES, YOU AGREE THAT THE COURSES YOU PURCHASE OR DOWNLOAD WILL ONLY BE USED BY YOU FOR YOUR PERSONAL OR PROFESSIONAL USE AND WILL NOT BE SOLD, SHARED OR REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF MARCI EVANS. Our courses are provided for single users only when purchasing online. If you are a practice group looking to purchase for multiple users, please reach out to us and inquire about our group options. If you are a Practice Owner looking to purchase a course for one or more of your team members, please contact us and we will make special arrangements for someone to make the purchase and another person to take the Courses.

Note: purchasers cannot set up login information for users other than themselves, since each user has a unique username and password that must be kept confidential, and stay with that user when earning CPEUs.

Our courses and workshops are provided for single users only when purchasing individually online. Purchasers* cannot set up login information for users other than themselves, since each User* has a unique username and password that must be kept confidential. The unique username and password are also critical for ensuring CPEUs are credited to the right persons who have successfully completed the course.